We should update this more frequently, I know
Pixie Dance Floor
The Pixie Dance Floor is a new DIY Module - not only a kit in the traditional sense, but a platform for electronic experimentation on a much broader scale.
Hive Mind Honey Solar to CV box for eurorack synth
Turn light into positive or negative CV for all of your control and modulation needs - in 0 HP
Synth suitcase
Ever wanted to know how The Killer Bee Relay Team made a synthesizer out of an old suitcase? Well click here, ya dingus!
Rebuilding/Repairing the LCD Display on a Roland TR-505
How to ACTUALLY fix the dark display on a TR-505 or TR-626
BeatStepStool - Eurorack Interface for Arturia Beatstep Pro
Tired of reaching around to the back of your Beatstep Pro in order to patch? Well check THIS out
TipTop Mantis "Hat" mounting bracket for Akai Rhythm Wolf and Tom Cat
Put your Akai Tomcat or Rhythm Wolf on top of your TipTop Mantis!
"Mantis Hat" Mounting Bracket for Kordbot
Put your Isla Instruments Kordbot on top of your TipTop Mantis