EasyEi8ht 14hp Sequencer Module

EasyEi8ht is a minimalist eight-channel performance-oriented trigger sequencer with the most wonderfully-illuminated clicky keys. Pattern length is variable - anywhere between 16 and 256 steps are yours for the taking, and a freestyle mode allows you to add rolls, soloing, glitching, repeats and more to your trigger pattern. In-depth configuration is easy to access while in use - but this is also open-source so you can really have fun with your own custom firmware.
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EasyEi8ht is a minimalist eight-channel performance-oriented trigger sequencer with the most wonderfully-illuminated clicky keys. Pattern length is variable - anywhere between 16 and 256 steps are yours for the taking, and a freestyle mode allows you to add rolls, soloing, glitching, repeats and more to your trigger pattern. In-depth configuration is easy to access while in use - but this is also open-source so you can really have fun with your own custom firmware.
EasyEi8ht is a minimalist eight-channel performance-oriented trigger sequencer with the most wonderfully-illuminated clicky keys. Pattern length is variable - anywhere between 16 and 256 steps are yours for the taking, and a freestyle mode allows you to add rolls, soloing, glitching, repeats and more to your trigger pattern. In-depth configuration is easy to access while in use - but this is also open-source so you can really have fun with your own custom firmware.
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